Jen Devor

Strategist. Innovator. Storyteller.

Jen Devor is a high-energy, dynamic professional who can influence, negotiate, and inspire. With over 15 years of experience cultivating relationships, collaborating with partners, and captivating audiences at the intersection of business, government, and non-profit sectors, she knows how to move the needle, push boundaries, and add value.

Additional Work

Passion Projects

My fifteen years of experience includes civic leadership and nonprofit management.

These projects showcase my advocacy approach, brand consistency, creativity and content delivery.

The Pivot

The Pivot was a web series from the Economy League’s Impact Labs produced in 2020 during the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic as organizations in Greater Philadelphia scrambled to pivot in response to the major changes wrought by the pandemic and ensuing lockdowns. The Pivot ran for 1 season with 15 episodes. I served as Producer, Editor, Writer and Host.

#GoodThingsHappen Streaming Special

#GoodThingsPhilly streaming television special (2020) was a fundraising event with celebrities like Benj Pasak, John Legend, Amanda Seyfried, Jim Garner and more, celebrating civic engagement and amplifying Better Civics' work.

I led its direction and messaging, and then delegated execution while retaining executive decision-making, resulting in over $100,000 raised.

#VoteByMailPHL Posters

The #VoteByMailPHL Poster Project (2020) was a collaboration between Better Civics and internationally known art curator StreetsDept, and supported by All Voting is Local.

The project features diverse female artists creating artwork with clear instructions for applying for a mail ballot, which was new to the state. We made the posters available in multiple languages for free download, aiming for neighbors to print and display them in their windows, informing others about the election changes that happened in 2020 during the pandemic.

Published Op-eds

I regularly leverage op-eds to share opinions, ignite discussions, and promote initiatives.

Over a dozen of my op-eds have been published across various reputable platforms, advancing advocacy issues and causes.